Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Improvements to the Pasture of the Organic Chicken Farm

Reinforced chicken wire fencing for the organic chicken farm

Steady growth of the pasture, helped by alomg by the rains and tended by our FTE.

Chickens merrily browsing in the organic chicken farm pasture.

Our first batch of our handsome organic fed chickens grouped together.

Out rustic old hand made gate replaced by a sturdy looking gate.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Planting of organic vegetables and flowers in the pasture.

What is love? Its been quite strenuous coordinating the project plan via telephone and internet.  We have no direct supervision of the Full Time Employee.  Our man on the ground is a full time student who is busy with cricket and now exams.  So we have to draw on our reserves of patience, perseverance and persuasion to get the project moving faster. Getting the FTE was important to ensure the safety, security and feeding of the chickens which are soon to arrive in large numbers.

We chose a variety of plants to support the pasture.  One interesting plant is the Tulsi which has high medicinal value. Marigolds were also selected as these are nice to look at and also edible.  We do realize that the chickens will probably peck at these plants while still young but it is a pasture after all.

Some of the Organic Tulsi and Marigold being planted.

Soleful work sowing the organic chicken pasture.

Our FTE hard at work in the organic chicken pasture.

A view  of the organic chicken pasture from the roadside.

A view close up to the chicken wire ariound theorganic pasture. We plant to tighten up the chicken wire using a tightened cable.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Poultry Coops Screen and Door completed

With local labor we have finally got the door and screen completed for the Organic Chicken coop. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Organic Chicken house (Poultry Coops) starts getting built.

Local carpenter building chicken coop in organic pasture.

Side view of the organic chicken pasture

Concrete blocks for the base of the organic chicken coop.

Progress on building up the organic chicken coop.

Our neighbors with their chickens.

Fence goes up around the organic chicken pasture on December 3rd (with rain)

We managed to get the chicken wire and used this to fence the space.  10 foot poles were used to hold up the fence.

What is love? Chickens at last.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A blue print for developing the Organic chicken farm

Organic Chicken farm pasture preparation. Reclaiming village land in India.

Cleaning disused land for the organic chicken farm

Hard work Cleaning disused land for the organic chicken farm.

Organic chicken farm pasture preparation.

Organic chicken farm being cleared for fresh top soil.

A view of the development of the organic chicken farm.

organic chicken farm. clearing.

organic chicken farm preparation with passers by.

organic chicken farm.workers with less supervision.

Lots of rubbish to clear for the organic chicken farm.

Perspective on the organic chicken farm.being created.

An ambitious action plan by email

Organic Chicken Farm Action Plan

1. Measure the land. (complete by 12 PM, Thursday 26 October)
2. Draw a map of the land with identification of boundary walls and any trees.
3. Take pictures of the land using a higher viewing position.
4. Cleaning of the land. (complete by 12 PM, Friday 26 October)
4.1. Contract workers to clear the land. Give them clear instructions and supervise.
4.2. Clear the land of any rubbish and building rubble.
4.3. Please retain any boulders or rocks.  These should be kept aside neatly.
4.4. Do not remove any good grass or plants that may be of value like vegetables.
4.5. Do not remove any big trees.
4.6. Take care to leave drains on the edge of the land for run-off of excess rain water.
5. Take pictures of the cleared land.
6. Buy grass plants or grass seeds. Depending on what is available. Consult me or brother.
7. Plant the grass in all open spaces that have been cleared. (complete by 12 PM, Saturday 26 October)
8. Take pictures of the land using a higher viewing position

From organic chicken farm concept to first steps

An Indian friend approached me about starting a business in South Africa.  We examined a few options in Africa but nothing much came of it.  We both work and live in the middle east. My big picture thinking led me to describe food production as one of the key challenges of our times.  Furthermore young people are so preoccupied with technology jobs and businesses.  Sayed agreed and talked about his dream of keeping cows.  So we resolved to start something even if was just chickens to start with.  Instead of South Africa, we decided to go with his village in India since we could coordinate with workers using email and telephone quite cost effectively.  We realised that the entire project will be managed electronically with issues with language, time difference and technology.

Sayed identified a very small piece of land in Settigunta, Andhra Pradesh, India that we could informally lease for at least six months at no cost.  The land was in really poor condition used for dumping waste.

The land is just 16m long by 9m wide, that's 144 sqm.  Just about enough to get a micro farm going.

Poor condition of the land

Lots of work to clean out the land

The land