Saturday, November 17, 2012

From organic chicken farm concept to first steps

An Indian friend approached me about starting a business in South Africa.  We examined a few options in Africa but nothing much came of it.  We both work and live in the middle east. My big picture thinking led me to describe food production as one of the key challenges of our times.  Furthermore young people are so preoccupied with technology jobs and businesses.  Sayed agreed and talked about his dream of keeping cows.  So we resolved to start something even if was just chickens to start with.  Instead of South Africa, we decided to go with his village in India since we could coordinate with workers using email and telephone quite cost effectively.  We realised that the entire project will be managed electronically with issues with language, time difference and technology.

Sayed identified a very small piece of land in Settigunta, Andhra Pradesh, India that we could informally lease for at least six months at no cost.  The land was in really poor condition used for dumping waste.

The land is just 16m long by 9m wide, that's 144 sqm.  Just about enough to get a micro farm going.

Poor condition of the land

Lots of work to clean out the land

The land 

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